27 MAY 1922, Page 1

We have only one observation to make on this situation,

and we must make it very plainly. The British Government have given arms, munitions and transport freely to the Free Staters. If they basely refuse all other forms of help to Ulster they cannot fairly or honourably refuse them the material means of protecting themselves. The Northern Government has at present neither the force nor the money to cope with its enemies. It will be no excuse or answer for the British Government to say that there are British troops in Northern Ireland and that these will be sufficient for defence. The danger is not a regular invasion. The danger is attacks from the inside—a continuance of the Sinn Fein Terror which we have described. The last word in meanness and ingratitude would be for the British Government to allow loyal Ulster to be overwhelmed. We do not believe for a moment that the British nation would allow it.