27 MAY 1922, Page 2

The Genoa Conference came to a formal end on Friday,

May 19th. In his farewell speech Mr. Lloyd George described the Conference as " one of the most remarkable ever held in the history of thesworld," end he addeththat it would be " forw.4ver an inspiring landmark on the pathway of peace." The Confer- ence, in his opinion; :would have been justified if it had been responsible for nothing more than the Reports issued by the Commission of Finance and the Economic and Transport Com- missions. He admitted that the Russian problem, which had been the.most important and exciting of-the Conference, hadnot been solved, and'he suggested that between now and the meeting of the Hague Commission an earnest attempt should be made to find solutions. We quite agree. The real reason for the failure at Genoa was that the Allies had agreed upon no common plan in advance. Mr. Lloyd George's words may be taken to mean that he will now try to do through his experts what the Americans did with such marked success when preparing for the Washington Conference.