27 MAY 1922, Page 2

It -is again permissible to hope that the engineering trade

dispute may be settled. The. Amalgamated.Engineeiu3s Union.

whose executive is hampered by sharp divisions between moder- ates and Communists, unhappily rejected the employers' new proposals last week. The other fortyseven unions, of semi- skilled and unskilled men,, decided, however; on Tuesday to submit the terms to a ballot of their members, and it is thought that7the men will gladly _accept 4he revised .formula in order to

resume their work. The Amalgamated' Engineering Union, finding that the other unions declined to be led by them, decided to approach -the employers independently with counter-pro- iposals. These proved unacceptable. The employers' new terms were then put before the delegates, who reserved their decision. If the moderate leaders -would only assert themselves

we do not doubt that the vast majority of the skilled engineers would be only too thankful to terminate one-of the -most futile disputes recorded in ;trade union history.