27 MAY 1922, Page 2

The Manchester Guardian of Wednesday published the following letter and

retort :— "- To the Editor of the Manchester Guardian. Sir,—My attention has been called .to the following statement in theleading article of the Manchester. Guardian issue of to-day : ' Are we or are-we not to enter into a direct and exclusive agree- ment with Fxaneo far the 'military defence of her territory ? On this it might be supposed that 'Liberal leaders in a great Liberal • assembly would have something ,to -say. But in effect they have said nothing.' This is irfalsehood.—Faithfully yours, H. H. ASQUITH. House of 'Commons, May 23rd.

[Mr. Asquith accuses us of intentional misrepresentation. It- is - as- grave a charge- as - he could make. Error. or misunder- standing we are, ciL course, prepared to admit on reason shown, but 'Mt. Asquith supplies no reason. It remains for him either to do. so. or, as we understand the duty of public.men, to offer an apology for his, attack.—En., 'Guard.] " We cannot help reflecting how oddly our statesmen -sometimes

behave—certainly not like ordinary people. Here is the head of the Independent Liberals attacking without any sort of reservation an organ which has been a tower of strength to the

Independent .Liberals in. spite of its _occaaional -hankering after the return .to :the. fold -of Mr. Lloyd George.