27 MAY 1922, Page 2

The conclusion of a secret Russo-German Military Convention on April

3rd last has -been-repeatedly affirmed from Warsaw, Riga and elsewhere, and as often denied from Moscow and 'Berlin. The Times last Saturday- announced that it had' confirmation from a German source of the truth of the report. By the Convention, it is-said,-Germany undertakes to equip 180 Russian line regiments and to provide artillery .for 20 divisions, to reorganize the Russian fleet and to-supply 500 new-aeroplanes, and to send experts to teach gas warfare and to set up new munition works in Russia and .in Afghanistan. We must confess our reluctance to credit the story. Although the Germans have shown their bad faith in making a treaty with the Bolsheviks, in attempting-to conceal the guns that-they promised to deliver up and in various other ways, we should have expected them to see the folly of strengthening the Red armies and thus alienating all the Allies and America as well. If, however, the Military Convention really exists, all the hopes based on Genoa and The Hague will be blasted.