27 MAY 1922, Page 13


[To VHS EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOR."' Sia,—There are other disfigurements in country places besides advertisement boards, and unless those in authority will take the matter up, and insist on special "dumping grounds " for household rubbish, the commons and lanes in Hampshire, Surrey, and Sussex, which have hitherto been a delight to se many by their beauty, will be a delight no longer. Large con- signments of tin cans, baths, buckets, lamps, glass and crockery, clothing, linoleum, &c., are deposited anywhere and everywhere. In summer some are hidden to a certain extent by the vegetation, but they are a danger at all seasons both to man and beast, and in winter a terrible eyesore. Knowing how much reform the Spectator has effected in the past by bringing abuses of all kinds to public notice, I venture to write you this letter.—I am, Sir, &c., E. H. 0,