27 MAY 1922, Page 14


THE " SPECrATOR."1 SIR,—The League of Arts gave the first regular series of open-air entertainments in Hyde Park last year. The experiment is to be repeated every Saturday this June and July at 3 p.m. and 7 p.m., the performances including Maeterlinck's Blue Bird, Sea Songs and Chanties, Fools and Fairies, and Mr. Martin Shaw's Brer Rabbit, with which the season will open on June 3rd. The public are reminded that the law does not permit of tickets being sold in the Park; they must, therefore, procure them beforehand from the Secretary, League of Arts, The Guild- house, Eccieston Square, S.W. 1, or from stewards at the Alexandra and Victoria Gates during the half-hour preceding each performance. It will be remembered that only a limited number of tickets are issued so as to leave ample space for the general public to hear from the outside of the enclosure. In the event of wet weather the performances will be given half an hour later at Ecc/eston Guildhouse, Victoria.—I am, Sir,