27 MAY 1922, Page 3

Mr. Chamberlain, in the House of Commons on Monday, moved

the Supplementary Estimate of £575,000 to provide during,three months for the teachers' pensions, which the House last week apparently declined to make contributory. He then confused the issue by accepting an amendment to reduce the sum by £200,900. The House was unable to diaeover whether the money would or would not be needed. Members, who had been induced by the teachers' Lobby representatives to vote against the Government, seemed very reluctant to admit,. even to themselves, that their vote meant an increase of public expenditure. Whatever the. Select Committee- may report as to the ", pledge " supposed to have' been, given to • the teachers in regard to pensions, it is obvious that if the teachers do not contribute a aihilling in the pound towards their pensions the taxpayer will have to find about £2,500,000 more this year. The House must decide between thesoalternatives. On. Monday the- Government had no difficulty in passing the modified Supplementary' Estimate.