27 MAY 1922, Page 3

Mr. H. L. Cooper, the Clerk to the Bolton Guardians,

was asked by the Minister of Health to inquire- into the. expenditure of the Guardians in Poplar. His report, which was published last -week, shows what Labour politicians controlling a local body can do to waste the ratepayers' money and pauperize the workman.. Mr. Lansbury and his colleagues set the law and the Minietry at defiance and distributed relief with both handir„ in money and in kind, to all who asked for it. Between the end of July, 1921, and April 22nd last, the numbers in receipt of out-relief:increased from 15,231 to 29,329, at a cost' of over £12,000 a week.. Poplar now has 123 paupers for every 1,000 • of 'her people. In .the neighbouring waterside boroughs, which are at least-as poor as Poplar, the corresponding figures are 74'f or Bermondsey, 70 for Stepney, 58tfor West Ham, 54 for Bethnal Green, and 23 for' Whiteehapel. It is, obvious that the Poor Law administration in Poplar must be grossly

defective. •