VRANCE has blazoned another great victory on her shield. 1: She has also given the lie to those who whispered that she was war-weary and exhausted, and could do no more than hold her lines until the Americans arrive next spring. M. Tardiou, the French Commissioner in America, recently took the trouble to contradict officially the enemy's suggestion that France had been " bled white," and to state that she had now nearly three million men in the field—a million more than she had at the outset—and that her casualty-lists, in proportion to the numbers engaged, had been reduced by half since 1915. The brilliant offensive carried out by General le Mestre on Tuesday in the Aisne region, taken in conjunction with the French operations on our left flank north of Ypres as well as at Verdun, shows that the French Army is its truth as vigorous as ever, and that the French infantry and the French guns under skilful control are as irresistible as they were at the Manse.