27 OCTOBER 1917, page 15

(to The Editor Of The "spectator.") Sir, —"c011nywest "...

expression known in Lancashire, and in my experience used to denote the position of a building which does not stand in a line with a road or adjacent building. In directing a......

The American Expeditionary Force Library. [to Tar Editor...

SPECFATOR."1 firs,—The American Y.M.C.A. is engaged in the creation of an American Expeditionary Force Library for supplying books, periodical., and magazines to American......

An Author Wanted.

[To THE EDITOR or vu. " SPECTATOR.") SIR, —.1 see with regret that the idea that no one reads Byron nowadays is true, otherwise you would scarcely have printed your......

The Kaiser On The " Spectator" During The Venezuelan Crisis

OF 1902. ITo THE EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOR.") Sta,—A proper of your leading article of October 13th on Mr. Roosevelt's ultimatum to Germany, it may interest you and your readers......

" Colly Weston."

(TO THE EDITOR or Tao " SPECTATOR.") Snt,—When I was a boy in Cheshire sixty years ago "Colly West " (not " Weston "I was a term often used, and perhaps I. now. It was used to a......

(to The Entree Or The " Spectator.") Sib, —thirty Or

forty years ago the word "collywess," sometimes pronounced " connywees," was in frequent use in this part of Lancashire, and may still be heard to-day in the speech of the older......

The Welsh Fusiliers At Albuera. (to The Enema Or The

" Seeceithe."1 Sut,—In the eighth volume of the Hon. J. W. Fortesthe's History of the British Army, reviewed in the Spectator of July 28th, the author, in describing the battle......

The Southern Slavs.

(To TM EDITOR OF sae SPROTAT011.") SIR,—Will you allow one whose sympathies and interests have for many years lain largely in Italy to thank you most cordially for the admirable......

Divorce Law.

(To sae Boma or THE "Sersrarea."3 Sta,—If Sir Arthur Conan Doyle had the courage of his startling convictions, why should he stop short of legalised polygamy ? He frankly bases......