27 OCTOBER 1917, page 2

As For Our Searchlights, It Would Have Been Lunacy To

give away the position of London in these circumstances by using them. French accounts inform us that when the pilots of the Zeppelins. tried to switch their engines on again......

The Perfectly Satisfactory Answer Of Those Responsible...

of London wee partly given by Mr. Boner Law in the House of Commons on Monday night, when the adjournment was moved and some particularly superfluous speeches were made. The......

On Monday The Admiralty Announced That Two Very Fast And

heavily armed German raiders attacked a convoy in the North Sea on October 17th, midway between the Shetland Islands and the Norwegian coast. The convoy consisted of twelve......

The American Government Have Made It Clear To Scandinavia...

Holland that they will receive no foodstuffs from America " so long as these countries continue to assist the Central Empires directly, or by indirect methods such as the use of......

Our Losses Of Merchantmen By Mine Or Submarine Last Week

were unhappily larger than they have been for some time post. We lost seventeen large and eight small vessels, whereas the week before we had lost twelve large and four small......

The Defeat Of The Russian Squadron Made The Enemy Masters

of Moon Sound, and therefore of Moon Island. The enemy also occu- pas(' the outermost island of Dago, meeting with little or no resist. unee. Last Sunday the Germans, rapidly......

The Russians Have Lost All The Islands At The Mouth

of the Gulf of Riga, and their Riga squadron after a disastrous action hat, retired to the Gulf of Finland. When Oesel was lost, the German Fleet at once entered the Gulf of......

Admiral W. H. Henderson. Writing In Thursday's Deify Mail On

the loss of the convoy, declares that " we have not yet found a /11811 or a not of men at the Admiralty with the instinctive genius for carrying on our naval share of the war,......

But Perhaps The Most Curious Feature Of This Eventful Affair

was that the most ill-informed and empty-headed clamour about the mismanagement of the defences of London had full sway for wore than twenty-four• hours, until it became known......

The Most Remarkable, The Most Mysterious, And, From The...

point of view, the most disastrous of the long series of aerial raids on England took place on the night of Friday week. It was remark. able because it was generally supposed......

A New French Political Crisis Arose At The End Of

last week. H. Painleve on Friday week defended his Ministry against the charge of being weak in its foreign policy sand timid in its domestic administration, and the Chamber......