27 OCTOBER 1917, page 14

Tennyson's Pronunciation.

[To THE EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOR.") Sts,—]fay 1 supplement "Septuagenarian's" letter by saying that to " hunderd " and " sperm "—a pronunciation I well remember—may be added......

Poetry In The Air.

Pro ram Burros or THE " grzormes."1 Srs,—The lamentable errors in the quotation from Cattalos were not due, as the editor kindly suggests, to the excitement caused by the......

Landor And Ireland. (to Sue Eamon Or Sus . Thvorment."3

See is a alight error in the quotation from Landor, as printed in your first leading article last week. The poem begins:— " You smiled, you spoke, and I believed, By every word......

Air Raids And A Sense Of Proportion.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.") Sin,—One dislikes intensely losing sleep because a (lemma is overhead. But when the next morning's papers come and the evening papers too, a......

The Kaiser On The " Spectator" During The Venezuelan Crisis

OF 1902. ITo THE EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOR.") Sta,—A proper of your leading article of October 13th on Mr. Roosevelt's ultimatum to Germany, it may interest you and your readers......

[to Ens Enrroa Or The "srsorwros."1

Szs,--I consider that Tennyson (one of our greatest artiste in verse), agreeing with a celebrated forerunner, did not attach importance to the facility affected by " rhyming......

Tennyson's Rhymes.

[To THE EDITOR or THE "SPECTATOR.") Sts,—There can be no doubt as to Tennyson's own pronunciation of " Flores " and " Azores." The present Lord Tennyson in his Tennyson: a......