27 OCTOBER 1917, page 13

Ito The Editor Of Sac " Spectator.") Sin,—your...

under the above beading is, I think, a little bard upon the class to which it refers. There are few women of the "more prosperous classes" anion my friends who have not reduced......

The Conscientious Objector.

[To sue Enrron or THE " SpEcTrrom."1 Sni„—As a Quaker who has taken up arms in defence of liberty, I write to thank you for the very fair attitude of your paper on this......

The Proposed Church Franchise.

[To THE EDITOR • OF THE "SPECTATOR.') Sni,—Whatever else may be doubtful, there can be no doubt that the proposals of the Bishop of Oxford are a definite declaration of war by......

A Word To Housewives.

[To THE Emma or THE " SPECTATOR.") SIR,—With reference to Mr. Stanley Little's letter, "A Word to Housewives," in your issue of October 20th, I would like to point out that in......

Air Raids And A Sense Of Proportion.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.") Sin,—One dislikes intensely losing sleep because a (lemma is overhead. But when the next morning's papers come and the evening papers too, a......

(to The Edito1 Of The " Spectator.") Sie.—to Reduce An

establishment is not no easy as the writer of the letter in your impression of October 20th seems to think. Is most eases it is not a question of doing part of the work oneself.......

Results From A Small Garden.

[To me EDITOR or 71AL " SPF.CTATOR.") Sie,—Before now I have urged iit your columns, and elsewhere, that people would be both patriotic and thrifty to cultivate that which they......

The Confirmation Test For Church Membership. [to The...

THE " SPECT■703."] STR.—What can be the purpose and elyift of demanding Confirma- tion as a test of Church membership? Is it, as we are sometimes told, that Confirmation is the......