27 OCTOBER 1917, Page 13

ITo THE EDITOR OF sac " SPECTATOR.") Sin,—Your correspondent's letter

under the above beading is, I think, a little bard upon the class to which it refers. There are few women of the "more prosperous classes" anion my friends who have not reduced their establishments to the utmo.st limits during the last two years. In many iustances they have under- taken extra duties in the house without putting aside the respon- sibilities attendant on the mistress of the house. Surely surh a question as " loss of dignity or caste " in doing menial work in one's own house belongs to the pre-war period, and .night almost be termed " Early Victorian." I have had to do my housework. and I can do it; but is it not a waste of material for an educated woman whose brains may be of service to the country to spend her time sweeping floors or cooking the dinner in Oder to free a more or less unsatisfactory candidate for the Women's Army Auxiliary