27 OCTOBER 1917, Page 1

Our French Allies also co-operated with as in a new

at leek on the Ypres front on Monday. Time " minor operations," in Sir Douglas Haig's phrase, resulted its the Capb11113 of the German defences on a front of four or five miles from the south-east of Poelcappelle across the Staden Railway to the southern outskirts of Houthulst Forest, in which the French and British troops established them- selves. The Germans fought stubbornly in the swampy ground which lies in front of their remaining positions on the north of the Passchendaele Ridge, and the two hundred prisoners taken probably represent an unusually small proportion of their losses. The same night the enemy retook one of our new posts in the forest ; at all other points the seven counter-attacks which ho made on Monday and Tuesday were completely repulsed.