27 OCTOBER 1917, Page 1

The Russians have lost all the islands at the mouth

of the Gulf of Riga, and their Riga squadron after a disastrous action hat, retired to the Gulf of Finland. When Oesel was lost, the German Fleet at once entered the Gulf of Riga. The email Russian equadron. including the two old battleships Gmzhdanin ' and ' Slava ' and the old cruiser ' Bayan,' went out to meet it on Wednesday week, but 11115 hopelessly outmatched by the enemy Dreadnoughts. The Russians fell back into Moon Sound, where the Slava ' was sunk. The rest of the squadron retired northward through the minefields and rejoined the main fleet, which had remained inactive at the base. A British submarine fired two torpedoes at tux enemy Dread- nought, but had not time to observe the result. She afterwards sank an enemy transport. Besides the 'Slava' the Russians lent one destroyer, but they claim to have put out of action two battleships.

and a creaser and to have sunk a dozen destroyers. Their little squadron seems to have done its best while the sailors of the main fleet were talking politics at C'ronstadt.