27 OCTOBER 1917, Page 11

[To Tan EDITOR or THE " SPLCMOR.") SIR,—For the reason

given in my first point, your "point" and its converse are equally incapable of proof. You admit this a- regards the convenes, so I fail to see how you can argue that - " your point remains." It never existed. I presume that, in the interests of " honest journalism." you will now withdraw your

Improvable statement in your next issue. As we bare seen, a cause which is based on Improvable statements does not prosper.

• ' Honesty is the best policy."-1 am, Sir, Lsc., _ .1. H. E. Rem, Colonel.

52 Sedlescombc Rood, S., St. Leonards-ou-Sen.

Our statement was that people who drink beer (which con- thins barley and sugar) necessarily consume more food than people who do not drink beer. We therefore considered that beer- drinkers should ration themselves more strictly than other people in the matter of food. We cannot argue this point further with Colonel Reid. We wrote not as teetotalers, but as men who want to make sure of Winning the war by every available means. We sineerely believe that saving food through drinking no beer, fir less beer, is one of those means. " Honest journalism," not to mention patriotism, consequently forbids us to withdraw ally- t h ieg.—En. Specie to•.]