27 OCTOBER 1917, Page 3

Mr. Boner Law, who followed the Prime Minister, declared that

sirens was at the root of all the kinds of help that we could give to our armies, and that rigid economy on the part of all amerce could alone prevent the constant increase of prices, and therefore of wages, which adds so much to the burden of Debt. He asked all who had spare oash to invest it in National War Bonds instead of leaving it on deposit in the banks. In reply to a few fainthearts, he said that the country could bear the weight of the newDebt, just as we bore the burden of the Debt after the Napoleonic War, provided always that we fought on to the victory that wo all desire. To make peace without gaining seourity would be " the great betrayal." General Smuts, who also spoke, emphasized the importance of securing complete confidence between Government and people in the last and the most critical stage of the struggle. "The true battle-front of this war is in the soul of the nation." It was only in proportion as we were steadfast and calm that we should be successful.