28 APRIL 1928, Page 15


the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—I am very glad that you have taken up with such energy and earnestness the Housing Question in London. We who have known the facts have tried for years to rouse the conscience of the community on the subject. The "flooding of basement dwellings by the river has done something to make people realize the state of things.

'You appeal to the Church to give a lead, and allude specially to Fulham. The moment the Fulham Report came out, within two days, I summoned to the Palace a meeting of leading citizens, including the Mayor and the party to which he belongs, and members of the Labour Party, and we formed at once a Housing- Committee for the Borough of Fulham.

The next step was the formation of a Public Utility Society (The Fulham Housing Improvement Society, Ltd.), which now invites subscribers to lend money at 2} per cent., or to take shares. We have acquired a site at a cost of 22,500 for building flats, and hope in this way to " decant " those in the overcrowded quarters, and then rebuild on the same site these " slum " dwellings.

What is really wanted is a rebuilding of the slum dwellings all over London, as has been so well done in St. Pancras.

St. Pancras has seen that it can be done in such a way as to pay back the 2} per cent, and what is more important, rehouse

the same people at the same rent.

At another meeting, on the invitation of Miss Faithful, till lately Head of Cheltenham Ladies' College, an " Under Forty Club " has been started, to enlist the young in this problem, and a meeting of this Club has been already held at Lambeth and at Fulham Palace.

Anyone who would lice to lend us in Fulham money at 2} per cent., or take shares, should communicate with me at Fulham Palace, and I will tell him the name and address of the treasurer. I have started the Loan Fund with an investment of £100. I know that a similar Association has been formed in my old district of Bethnal Green, with its centre at the Oxford House.—I am, Sir, Ace., Fulham Palace, S.W. 6. A. F. LoNnon.