He Proposed, Therefore, To Return To Sir Stafford...
of 1875, and establish a fixed Debt charge of £355,000,000 a year. This would extinguish the . whole Debt, internal and external, in fifty:years. Savings in interest would be......
Mr. Churchill Then Proceeded To Present The Accounts In A
new and simplified form which omits the so-called " self-balancing " items for the Post Office, the Road Fund and the Sinking Fund expenditure. Estimates framed with the same......
He Intended To Keep The Petting Tax Unaltered, And Expected
that it would yield £3,250,000. Income Tax, according to his estimate, would yield £15,500,000 less than last, year. He proposed a new tax of 4d. a gallon on petrol_ and......
News Of The Week M R. Churchill In Presenting His Fourth
Budget on Tuesday surpassed his achievement of last year. Then he did a number of conjuring tricks, and the appreciation of the singular skill with which he performed them was......
Mr. Churchill Admitted That T He Had Had Some Luck
in last year's finances, but, although under-estimates of expenditure had been saved by windfalls, he must also claim credit for £10,500,000 " clawed_ back" from the......
Editorial Am, Publishing Offices : 13 York Street, Covent...
London, W.C.2.—A Subscription to the SPECTATOR costs Thirty Shillings per annum, including postage, to any part of the world. The SpRarATon is registered as a Newspaper. The......