28 APRIL 1928, page 30

Financial Notes

FAVOURABLE MARKET FACTORS. WRITING on the eve of a Budget which promises to be More than usually interesting, it would, .perhaps,' be rash to say that the financial barometer......


A further faiuurable point in the market 'Outlook, so far, at all events ; as gilt-edged securities. ,are concerned, is the recent introduction of the British 4 per cent.......

Publishing Profits.

The publishing house known as Odhams Press appears to be enjoying -considerable prosperity, the net profit for the Year being £151,;753 against £116,872 for -19N1. Moreover ;......

A Fight - For Control. - Stockholders .of The British...

Electric RailWay ComPany seem to be in for a good time -just now ow i ng - to the keen aompetjtion on the_part of different grOups to ob control of the company. 'Commencing with......

Profitable Match Industry.

Notwithstanding the fact that the Ordinary shares of Bryant and May are now held by the British Match Cor- poration, in . accordance with the arrangement with the Swedish Match......

Finance--public And Private

An Industrial Budget MR. WINSTON CHURCHILL'S fourth Budget is likely to be a fruitful topic of conversation in industrial and financial circles for some time to come, and,......

Steadiness In Profit-earning Power Is Usually One Of ' The

characteristics of the Scottish banks and the latest annual report of the Union Bank of Scotland shows that the profit for the year was £630,000 against 1318,009 hi the,......

General Knowledge Questions

THE prize of one guinea:which the Editor offers each week for the best set of thirteen General Knowledge • Questions has been awarded this week to Miss Elizabeth L. Moore, The......

A Library List

?Liams.Arinotis :-Peace in our Time. By Sir Austen Chain- - berlain. (Philip Allan. :12s. 6d.)-- 7 - The Freedom of . • The. _Seas: By Lieut.:Commander J. M. Kenworthy. '......