A further faiuurable point in the market 'Outlook, so far, at all events; as gilt-edged securities. ,are concerned, is the recent introduction of the British 4 per cent. Funding Loan to the markets in Wall Street and the possibility of the 5 per cent. War Stock being introduced there a little later on. Moreover, judging from the activity in almost all securities and the continued quick response given to new capital issues, it would seem that the supply of capital available is *till very great, and during the past week, although the -Stock Exchange settlement showed an increased bull position in many directions, the tone has been good on the whole, and even Rubber shares have rallied a little. It is prObable; indeed, that the general strength of markets would -be-:even more pronounced but for two rather important factors in the situation, the one being the difficulty of determining to what extent the Money Market here may be affected by French monetary policy after the elections, and the other being the- upward -tendency in money rates in NeW -York:
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