An Appeal For Sunlight [to The Editor Of The Spectator.]
Sia,—As in past years at this season, I ask you to let me appeal for sunlight. Your readers have been generous in the past, and sound constructive and preventive reasons can be......
Where Nestlings Flourish
WE printed recently a -letter under this heading, from Mr. J. M. Liddell, Alberta, Canada, in which the writer mentioned a preparation used in Canada for ridding fowls of......
Portrait Of Lord Morley And Monteagle
[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sin,—Would you kindly permit me to inquire through your columns about the portrait of Lord Monteagle, to whom the anonymous letter was sent......
Two Cuckoo Poems THE WANDERING CUCKOO WHILE sap runs out glad signals to the year And every budded tree looks brave again, In our far glens, when cuckoos talk I hear Blue......
The Cuckoo And The Owl : A Song .
THE flowers of Spring Are opening Their lovely eyes ; The little birds With warbling words Again refresh the skies ; Again the cuckoo cries From far and near With challenge......