The Solemn Music Of George Herbert's Verse Has Comforted...
pious souls for the last three centuries. His Sacred Poems and Private Ejaculations are unaffected by time or fashion's whim. We may hope therefore to be excused by hiS many......
The Whole Case For Partnership In Industry (cape, 7s. 6d.),
with a full account of recent developments and many concrete examples of its working in practice, as presented in an admir- able book, short enough to be read at a sitting, and......
More Books Of The Week
(Continued from page 647.) 'The fun of " throwing a monkey-wrench into the works " is a prerogative of youth, and on that score we might excuse Mr. R. M. Fox for writing The......
While James The Second Finds Anew-admirer In Mr. Belloc, A
critical episode in the ICing's career has been thoroughly investigated by Mr. Edward B. Powley, in The English Navy in the Revolution of 1688 (Cambridge University Press. 12s.......
The Edinburgh Review For April (longman, 7s. 6d.) Hag Three
notable articles on America. Mr. George Peel considers " The Economic Impact of America " by no means so alarmini as some people think, and Mr. W. A. Hirst points out that "......
There Have Been Many Attempts To Reconstruct The Char- Acter
of Pilate. There was the simple mediaeval view, of which the name of Mount Pilatus stands as a permanent witness. There have been the more subtle modern delineations of Anatole......
The Best Which Can Be Said Of Mr. C. S.
Forrester's historicaj biography, Louis XIV. (Methuen, 10s. 6d.), is that it goes with a swing from beginning to end. The writer quotes no ro authorities, accepts doubtful......
• Cultural Directions Are Given In Messrs. Sutton's...
the Riviera (2s. 6d.) for the growing from seed of a wealth of sweet-scented and exotic-coloured flowers, from freesias to zinnias, from mignonette to nemesias. There is no......
. A Most Useful Supplement To That Excellent Journal Nature
of April 21st is concerned with sunlight treatment in the home. - The doctors who write for it emphasize the fact that ultra-violet radiation is not a cure-all and that the......
• We Have To Acknowledge With Thanks Another Anonymous =
contribution froin " A Spinster on a holiday,"' for £1 to the children of the Rhondda Valley, which we have forwarded WY E, gsfk, blaes-yr-haf, Trealaw.......
' An Advertisement Last Week Of Sir Frank Fox's Mastery
of the Pacific (John Lane, 8s. 6d.) gave the price as 15s. instead of 8s. 6d. * * * *......