28 APRIL 1928, Page 26

The Edinburgh Review for April (Longman, 7s. 6d.) hag three

notable articles on America. Mr. George Peel considers " The Economic Impact of America " by no means so alarmini as some people think, and Mr. W. A. Hirst points out that " British Influence in South America " is very considerable, and probably on the increase. On the other hand, an anony- mom writer is greatly concerned about " The American Naval Programme " and its possible connexion with a revived demand for " the freedom of the seas " to cover American export trade. Sir Arthur Evans tells an amusing story of

A Forged Treasure in Serbia " that deceived him and other ' eminent experts for a time. The Schubert centenary is cele- ' brated in a delightful article by Mr. C. L. Graves, who observes that Schubert's fame was cherished by the amateurs when the professionals contemned him. Mr. Graves recalls a deplorable ' article attacking Schubert—and Wagner—in the Edinburgh Review of 1882. The review now makes handsome amends for that blunder.