28 APRIL 1928, Page 30


Notwithstanding the fact that the Ordinary shares of Bryant and May are now held by the British Match Cor- poration, in . accordance with the arrangement with the Swedish Match Company; I -am glad to see that the annual report is published in the .usual manner and with the same amount of detailed information. The profits of this concern seem to soar steadily and the total net profit for last year was £412,758, against £387,212 a year ago. The amount placed to Reserve is smaller at_450000, but the big dividend of 20 per cent., tax free, on the Ordinary shares, as compared with only 12t per cent. in the previous year, has, of course, absorbed a good deal more, while the Partnership .spares have received 10 per cent., against 8 per cent The report of Bryant and May, however, is in itself a good one- and; moreover, suggests that excellent figures' should be shown in the first report of the British Match Corporation.

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