A Library List
?Liams.Arinotis :-Peace in our Time. By Sir Austen Chain-
- berlain. (Philip Allan. :12s. 6d.)--7-The Freedom of
. • The. _Seas: By Lieut.:Commander J. M. Kenworthy.
' 184-The Maslow' Of the Pacific. By Sir Frank Fox. (Godley Head 8s. 6d.)-The Mystery of the Kingdom. By-the Rev. Ronald Knox. (Sheed and Ward. 6s.)-This Smoking World: By A E Hamil- ton. (Methuen.. 6s.)--7--The Schools of England. Edited by J. Dover-Wilson. (SidgSirick and Jackson. 18s.)- ThePalace of Minos. at Knossos: By Sir -Arthur Evans. Volume II, Parts, I, and II. (Macmillan. Od.) Poemsfrom Dizvan_of Ha x. Gertrude Bell.
MioaaAvav :-All Alone : The Life and Private History of Emily Jane- Bronti. By Romer Wilson: (Chatto and - Windt's. 12s. 6d.) Diplomacy and Foreign Courts. By Meriel Buchanan. (Hutchinson 18k.)-=The Women Lincoln Loved. By William E. Barton. (Andrew Melrose. 21s.)Twelve Bad Men. By Sidney Dark. - (Hodder and Stoughton. 12s. 6(1.)-Charles Bandelaire. By Francois Porch& (Wishart. 10s. -The- Windsor
Beauties. By Lewis Melville., (Hutchinson. , 21s.)
TaAvEL :-Youth Goes East. BY-'-'1the- Earl of ' Cardigan. (Nash and Grayson. 10s. 6d.)--Skylvard. By Com- mander Richard E. Byrd.: (Putnam. - 15s.)Saffiri. By Martin Johnson. (Putnam. /1 is. od.) FICTION :-T he" Missing PartnerS.- Henry Wade. (Con- stable. - 6d.)-The Place Called Dagon. By Herbert Gorman. (Heinemann. . /a. ..6(1.)Phcrinix. By Alan Sims: • (Chatto and Windus. !Zs, - 6d.)--Twopence Coloured. By Patrick Himiltim.. (Constable. 7s. 6d.) My Mortal Enemy. By Willa.Cathei; (H,eininiann- 5s.)---But Gentlemen Mara/ -Brunettes. By Anita Loos. (Brentano. 7s. 6d.)