HOMECROFTING [To the Editor' of the SPECTATOR.]
Srn,—It will be of interest to many Spectator readers to learn that the Homecroft movement launched in these columns has been so far successful that it is about to enter upon the second stage of its programme. A meeting has been arranged at the Cakton Hall on May 4th at 3.15 p.m. to initiate it, Sir William ArbUthnot Lane, Professor KenwOod, and Sir Bernard Pares being among the speakers.
After the successful appeal in the Spectator, when the AssOciation was formed in IMO, the plan it took was, first to carry out its idea and then to advocate it Its idea was so to house the Working man that he cOu14 partly produce the food for his own family, by off-time work.It hoped thereby to initiate a system whieh raises the status of the worker Without charging it . up against indirstrY. After two 'years of work the idea has been carried out, in so_ far as a first unit fof ten-Hornecroft houses hies been built, and a little colony of fannlies settled 'into 'thein who have begun crofting, to all appearance happily. and suceessfully.' The time his come to spread knowledge of the systein. It' is to initiate .6.. Propaganda fund- for this " that the "Cax-ton meeting is being held. And the Council hope to make it a complete rally of all who have taken an interest in the subject, round the " missionary " phase of their effort.—I am, Sir, &c.,
Windylaw, Lisvane, Cardiff. J. W. Scow.