The April number of the Quarterly Review (Murray, 7s. 6d.)
is weighty and varied. Mr. Geoffrey Ellis, M.P., in " Coal, Power, and Industry," explains the true causes of the coal crisis—namely, over-production and unremunerative prices— and discusses not unhopefully the various remedies proposed. Mr. Bonacina summarizes in " Yellow Asia" a recent book by an Italian traveller, Signor Appelius, who takes a very gloomy view of the Far Eastern situation and predicts *war as the outcome of the anti-European feeling. The alarmists are always with us. Mr. Ignatius .Phayre's lively article on " The White House and Its Occupants" makes us sympathize with the President as a " national exhibit," perpetually en- gaged thrOughout his term of office in red-tape formalities and trivial interviews. Mr. Moorhouse's whole-hearted plea for " The Totalisator " is lucid and informing : he shows why the bookmakers object to the betting machine, which gives longer odds than the ring. Professor Post's charming paper on Menander deserves a word.
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