Mr. Lloyd George and Signor Giolitti also discussed the question
of Danzig, where the Germans, in obvious collusion with Berlin and Moscow, sought by a simulated strike and other means to prevent supplies from reaching the Poles. The High Commissioner, Sir Reginald Tower, has been sharply criticized in the French Press for his seeming inaction, but it is uncertain whether the Allied garrison was strong enough to control the armed German volunteers in the town. The British and Italian Premiers stated on Sunday that they had made proposals to France for " Allied action " to secure to Poland the free use of the port of Danzig, in accordance with the Peace Treaty. Had the Allies been less solicitous for the " self-determination " of the Germans in Danzig, Poland's only port, these troubles would not have arisen. As it is, the Germans in the town have shown theil gratitude by trying to do their Polish neighbours a grave injury at a critical moment.