The Bookman's Journal For August 13th Gives A Four-page...
facsimile of a very remarkable fragment of early printing which has just been discovered. This piece of vellum, from a binding, forms two complete leaves of a Donatus—the......
We Wish To Draw Our Readers' Attention To The Second
edition of Mr. Williams-Ellis's book on Collage Building in Cob, Pise Chalk and Clay (with an introduction by Mr. J. St. Loe Strachey). (Country Life. 7s. 6d. net.) We cannot,......
Some Books Of The Week.
[Notice in Ms column does not necessarily preclude subsequent review.] The Round Table for September has an instructive article on the League of Nations which it is now inclined......
A Handbook To The Septuagint. By R. R. Ottley. (methuen.
8s. net.)—This is a scholarly introduction to the study of the oldest Greek version of the Old Testament. Mr. Ottley assumes that his readers know the English Bible and a little......
The Teaching Of History. By E. L. Hasluck. (cambridge...
Press. 80. net.)—This volume in a new series of handbooks for teachers of special subjects is suggestive and helpful. Mr. Hasluck admits that opinions are much divided as to the......
Labour Conditions In Soviet Russia. (harrison. 7s. 6d....
Labour Office of the League of Nations send a commission of inquiry to Russia, to examine the conditions of labour under Bolshevik rule—a commission composed of five......