The Ownership And Valuation Of Mineral Property. By Sir R.
A. S. Redmayne and Gilbert Stone. (Longmans. 12s. 6d. net.)—This is a technical treatise on the interests connected with mines and minerals, and the valuation, rating and......
Annals And Antiquities Of Rajasthan. By Lieut.-col. James...
by W. Crooke. 3 vols. (H. Milford. 52s. 6d, net.)—Dr. Crooke has taken great pains with this new edition of Tod's famous book on the Rajputs, annotating it freely and pointing......
Modern Pig-feeding In 1917-20. By K. J. J. Mackenzie And
John Fleming. (University of Cambridge School of Agriculture.) —Farmers ought to read this little pamphlet, describing some experiments in pig-feeding made during the war by the......
By-paths In Sicily. By Eliza Putnam Heaton. (new York :
E. P. Dutton.)—The late Mrs. Heaton was a clever New York journalist who for reasons of health had to spend seven years in Sicily. She devoted herself to the study of the......
Woman Workers Of The Orient. By Margaret E. Burton. Revised
by E. I. M. Boyd. (United Council for Missionary Education. 2s. 6d. net.)—This little book, by an American writer, gives an instructive account of the changes which are taking......
Labour Conditions In Soviet Russia. (harrison. 7s. 6d....
Labour Office of the League of Nations send a commission of inquiry to Russia, to examine the conditions of labour under Bolshevik rule—a commission composed of five......