Dear Or Cheap Money?
[To TIM EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOR.") SIR, —I am glad that Mr. Ridge-Beedle has, in your correspund- ewe -columns, taken up the cudgels on behalf of the opponents of a dear money......
[to The Editor Or The "spectator.") Sir,—it Is For Experts
to discuss our foreign politics at the present time, if experts there be in the welter of unexpected occurrences in the midst of which we live. But one result of the war is an......
The Cost Of Living.
(To ras 'Borten or ram " Srzergroa."1 Sza;—When Uncle Joseph in Stevenson's Wrong Box lectured on the comparative cost of living in London, Baghdad, Spits- bergen, Cincinnati,......
Sir, —to Judge By What One Reads And Hears The
political relas tions existing between this country and France seem far from satisfactory. Suspicion is rife. The continual necessity for patching up differences of opinion does......