28 AUGUST 1920, page 15

Dear Or Cheap Money?

[To TIM EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOR.") SIR, —I am glad that Mr. Ridge-Beedle has, in your correspund- ewe -columns, taken up the cudgels on behalf of the opponents of a dear money......

A League Of Loyal Citizens.

[To TRE EDITOR OF THE " Sescraroa."] Sra, It seems to me the " Middle Class Union " has not a fortunate name, and does not appeal to people. We require a union to include all......

Value, Price, And Finance.

[To. Tan Emelt or THE " fintersroa."] SIR,—The questions raised by "Onlooker " in the Spectator of August 7th, and by your two correspondents in the issue of last Saturday, are......

Mr. J. H. Thomas.

[To THE EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—The Council of Action points two morals: (1) The failure of the Labour Parliamentary Party in the House of Commons; (2) the efficiency......

Prohibition In America. [to The Editor Or The...

correspondent from Kansas in the issue of July 17th sees a very different side of Prohibition from that which I awe in Pennsylvania. In all the years of my life, and they are......

" Faked" Ballots.

[To TRZ EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] Sia,—As one of your regular readers may I add to Mr. Good's excellent letter on this subject? Some months ago I ascertained that the strike......