[To TRZ EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] Sia,—As one of your regular readers may I add to Mr. Good's excellent letter on this subject? Some months ago I ascertained that the strike voting (and other Labour matters) is organized on the lines Mr. Good describes, and I considered it to be my duty to report the matter to the Ministry of Labour. I did not expect to have any notice taken, and was not disappointed. We are said to be enjoying a free existence. In the matter most affecting every worker's life, viz., hie personal views as to the disposal of his labour, he is not free—just the reverse— for he cannot exercise his will, unfettered, to do himself and his Maker credit. The officials and extremists of his union continually force his hands, often in the wrong direction. Almost without exception our Ministers say they believe the majority of working men are sound in their ideas. This being so, let them ignore the extremist, and for once do what is obviously the honest and straight thing—take steps to make these faked ballots illegal, and give us in every case, where a man or woman has to exercise the franchise, protection so that the vote may he sincerely given without fear or favour. Your advocacy of this will, I feel sure, be hailed with delight.—I am,