[To TRE EDITOR OF THE " Sescraroa."]
Sra, It seems to me the " Middle Class Union " has not a fortunate name, and does not appeal to people. We require a union to include all classes, not only one. Through your excellent paper, could not a "League of Loyal Citizens " be formed at once ? The present crisis seems to call for such a union, a branch of which might be formed in every town and every hamlet throughout the kingdom, that in case of emergency loyal citizens should know how to act. Union ill strength, and the safety of the community demands such a league—a league to defend religion, king, and country. We all know the importance of prompt and united action, and whet, the enemies of England strike the blow which they hope will destroy her the loyal men and women, whether they work with their brains or labour with their hands, would like to know how to meet that blow.—I am, Sir, &c,. A Lout CITIZEN.