SPECTATOR.") SIR,—May I through the medium of your columns make an appeal to all those who are enjoying in actuality or anticipa- tion their holiday to spare a donation for the Children's Country Holidays Fund? By the aid of this Fund several thousand children from the poorest parts of London are given a fortnight's holiday in cottage homes by the seaside or in country villages. The children's health is materially improved by the good air, wholesome food, and quiet surroundings; they gain in outlook by the contact with a new way of life, and very often establish enduring friendships with their cottage hostesses. Except in a few really necessitous cases all parents contribute according to their means towards the cost. The Fund is in urgent need of donations to meet the expenses of the children whose holiday has been deferred till the end of August. Cheques should be sent to the Earl of Arran, 18 Buckingham Street, Strand, W.C.—I am, Sir, &c., A. F. LONDON.