Great God of Nations, and their Right, By whose high Auspice Brittaixt stands So long, though first 'twas built on sands, And oft had sunk but for Thy might
In her own Mainland storms and seam; Be present to her now as then,
And let not proud and factious men Oppose Thy will with what they please.
Our Free full Senate's to be made; 0 put it to the public voice,
To make a legal, worthy choice, Excluding such as would invade
The Commonwealth. Let whom we nama
Have Wisdom, Foresight, Fortitude, Be more with Faith than Face endu'd; And sturdy Conscience above Fame.
Such as not seek to get the start
In State, by Faction, Power, or Bribes, Ambition's Bawds. But move the Tribes By Virtue, Modesty, Desert.
Such as to Justice will adhere Whatever great one it offend; And from the embraced Truth not bend
For Envy, Hatred, Gifts, or Fear.
That by their deeds will make it known Whose Dignity they do sustain ;
And Life, State, Glory, all they gain, Count it Great Britain's, not their own.
Such the old Bruti, Decii were, The Cippi, Cu.rtii, who did give Themselves for Rome, and would not live
As men good only for a year.
Such were the great Catnilli too.
The Fabii, Scipios, that still thought No work at price enough was bought That for their country they could do.
And to her honour so did knit,
As all their Acts were understood The Sinews of the Public Good, And they themselves one soul with it.
These men were truly Magistrates; These neither practised Force, nor Forms, Nor did they leave the helm in storms, And such as they make happy States."