Autumnal Leaves. By Francis George Heath. (imperial...
years ago we had the pleasure of giving a warm welcome to this book, and we are glad to see that the reading public has appreciated it. A fourth edition is a distinctly......
Sanatoria For Consumptives. By F. Rufenacht Walters, M.d....
Introduction by Sir R. D. Powell, Bart., M.A. (Swan Sonnenschein and Co. 10s. 6d.)—The two statement. that con- sumption is preventible and that it is curable indicate what is......
Can We Disarm ? By Joseph Mccabe, Written In Collaboration
with Georges Darien. (W. Heinemann. 2s. 6d.)—The specially interesting part of this volume is the chapter headed "A Possible Solution." Papal policy, which never forgets the......
Creation - Myths Of Primitive America. By Jeremiah...
10s. 6d.)—This is a specially valuable contribution to folk-lore. The American myths have a place of their own in the science, and the analogies and differences which we can......
Horne Life In Colonial Days. By Alice Morse Earle....
and Co. 8a. 6d. net.)—Miss Earle in this volume pictures for us not so much the personalities of the Colonial pre-Revolution days as the material circumstances and surroundings......
Neglected Factors In The Study Of The Early Progress Of
Christianity. By the Rev. James Orr, D.D. (Hodder and Stoughton. $s Gd.)—We cannot do more than indicate the line which Professor Orr takes. He argues that Christianity was a......
Letters Of Walter Savage Lawlor. Edited By Stephen...
and Co. 10s. 6d )—Mr. Wheeler has printed in this volume a number of letters, hitherto unpublished, which Landor addressed to Miss Rose Paynter (afterwards Lady Graves-Sawle)......
Outlines Of Industrial Chemistry. By Frank Hall Thorp,...
and Co. 15s. net.)—Dr. Thorp divides his subject into two parts, "Inorganic" and "Organic Industries." In the first some of the more important are fuels, water, various......
Evolution Of The Steam Locomotive. By G. A. Sekon. (railway
Publishing Company. 5s.)—Mr. Sekon begins with the familiar name of Trevitiaick, who made his first trip with a locomotive on Christmas Eve, 1801. From this beginning the......