At Birmingham On Monday The Duke Of Devonshire, Who Was
the guest of the Chamber of Commerce, made a most able speech on the position of the Government. The Government had not, he declared, lost the confidence of the country, which......
The Letter By Mr. Balfour On Protestantism And University...
in Ireland published on Thursday is in effect a most able and convincing plea for meeting the demand of the Roman Catholics that they should be given a University to which they......
Mr. Balfour's Arguments In Favour Of His Scheme Are Most
convincing, and are specially attractive to us because he speaks so boldly as a Protestant, and declares that all Pro- testants ought to support his proposal. "We claim, and......
Mr. Chamberlain, Who Followed The Duke Of Devonshire,...
he agreed "most sincerely with every word he [the Duke], had uttered." That is most satisfactory, for it is an endorsement of one of the strongest panegyrics ever made on......
On Monday A Meeting Was Held At The National Liberal
Club in order to discuss the question of "Liberal Policy." The proceedings were opened by Sir Robert Reid in what we can only describe as an amazing speech. There were some......
Lord Kimberley Delivered An Admirable Speech At The...
of the Wymondham Liberal Association on Wednesday. After expressing his regret at the retirement of Sir William Harcourt and Mr. John Morley, and touching on the "Jingo"......
Count Ifuravieff's Official Circular Of Invitation To The...
hold a Conference in order to prevent the increase of armaments has now appeared. We gave its substance accurately last week, including the still unex- plained proposal to put a......