A Robbery Of Unusual Magnitude Was Effected In The City
on Monday, It has been the custom, it appears, in Parr's Bank, a most important establishment, to keep a considerable amount of notes of the Bank of England in a drawer behind......
Mr. Balfour's Arguments In Favour Of His Scheme Are Most
convincing, and are specially attractive to us because he speaks so boldly as a Protestant, and declares that all Pro- testants ought to support his proposal. "We claim, and......
A Story Is Being Told, For The Accuracy Of Which
we cannot vouch, but which is probably true, and which illustrates the implicit confidence of the Continent in British fairness. Some merchants of Havre recently satisfied......
Mr. Watts, In An Interview In The London Argue Of
January 21st, expounds his scheme for instituting "some permanent memorial of the deeds of these heroic men, the sacrifice of whose lives is being constantly made and as quickly......
We Are Glad To Note The Appearance Of The Puritan,
a new sixpenny magazine, published by James Bowden, which begins with the issue for February. The Puritan very properly insists upon a view repeatedly upheld by the Spectator,......
The Daily Chronicle Of Wednesday Reports Some Astonishing...
lese-majeste prosecutions in Germany. One of these victims of Imperial oppression "is an artisan's wife in Spandau, who made certain foolish remarks in connection with a picture......
The Americans Are Greatly Excited By Visions Of Coming...
Their war with Spain is over, the crops of the past year have been very good, the volume of their trade, especially in metals, is enlarging, they think the "silver craze" is......
Bank Rate, 31, Per C,ent.
New Consols (2) were on Friday, 1111.......