The Problem Of Old-age Pensions.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR." J SIR,—I have read with interest the article on the above sukject which appeared in the Spectator of December 3-et, 1898. As this question is......
A Practical Suggestion.
[TO THE EDITOR OF TRH " SPECTATOR."] Sut,—I have read your article on "Modern City Life" with intense satisfaction, but I note that you do not refer to one very obvious way of......
The Late Nubar Pasha.
[TO THE EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOR.") SIB,—It is to be hoped that accounts of the late Nubar Pasha will do justice to his genuine interest in humanity, apart from his official......
Catching Cold.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPIGOT/MR.1 SIE,—/ see a letter in the Spectator of January 7th about the infliction of the season, colds, and whether they are due to microbes. I can......
The Irish Local Government Elections.
[To THE EDITOR Of TAR " SPECTA:206:] Sin,—Your article on the recent Irish elections, though marking the anxiety of the situation, hardly does justice to that revolutionary......