28 JANUARY 1899, Page 37
Outlines of Industrial Chemistry. By Frank Hall Thorp, Ph.D. (Macmillan
and Co. 15s. net.)—Dr. Thorp divides his subject into two parts, "Inorganic" and "Organic Industries." In the first some of the more important are fuels, water, various chemicals, glass, pottery, pigment.; in the second, gas, mineral oils, vege- table and animal oils, soap, sugar, spirits and wines, explosives textile industries, dyes, tanning, glue.—One branch of Oak subject is dealt with in Fertilisers, by Edward B. Voorhees, A.M. (same publishers, 4s. 6d.) There is a great field for this industry in the States and Canada (the author dates from New Jersey), where as yet little has been done to aid Nature.