The Hampstead Annual. Edited by Ernest C. Bhp. (Sidney the
Mayle.)—We notice among the contributors to this volume names of Canon Ainger, Dr Horton, C. E. Maurice, and H. W. Nevinson. It is welcome for its intrinsic merits, and also for the good work that it does in maintaining the independent existence of the place which gives it a name. The suburbs of London are too apt to become mere sleeping and eating places for the great London multitude.—We give our wawa greeting to the volume of Knowledge (Kssowledge 4ffice) which has, we see, just attained its majority.
Messrs. Charles Camell and Co., of the Cyclops Steel and Iron Works, send us a Catalogue (Eastern Press) which may be taken as a proof that all our traders do not neglect the opportunities of foreign markets. All the articles are described in Chinese, doubtless in appropriate and effective language, though of this we cannot speak with confidence, as the Chinese member of our staff is net at the present time within reach.