28 JANUARY 1905, Page 17

So far the facts are clear ; but from this

point the narrative becomes confused. It is said, for instance, that the Czar remained at Tsarskoe Selo ; that be fled to Peterhof ; that he escaped to Gatschina ; that he betook himself to' a yacht on the Baltic ;' or even that he went by train to Livadia. The probability is that he is at Tsarskoe Selo, which is strongly garrisoned; but nothing is certain except that he was not in the Winter Palace, and will not return to his capital till the "revolt" has ended. The Grand Duke Vladimir is in effect Czar. It is said that skirmishing went on all Sunday night ; but the evidence for this is slight, though arrests of the leaders were going on, and may have been resisted. A force of fifteen thousand strikers marched on Monday from rolpino on the 'way to Tsarskoe Selo; but

what happened to them is obscure, except that they were driven back by cavalry. It is said that Gapon, the priest who heads the movement, was wounded and taken to hospital ; but it is also said that he was arrested ; that he is in hiding ; and that he is organising a movement in Moscow. It seems clear that after the massacre he, or some one for him, issued a manifesto declaring that there was " no more Czar," that he had broken the bonds with his people, and that the latter must henceforth work the revolution for themselves. There was some farther slaughter on Monday ; but since then the workers have remained quiet, though they are sullen and show little disposition to return to work.