King Arthur's Wood. Written And Illustrated By Mrs....
(Simpkin, Marshall, and Co. £2 2s. net.)—The history of Sir Gareth of Orkney is one of the most human and beautiful of the stories in the "Norte Darthur." It has a different......
Famous Artists. By Sarah K. Bolton. (g. Harrap. 7s. 6d.
net.)—Where the author quotes acknowledged authorities this book may be depended on. When, however, she makes state- ments on her own responsibility we must employ caution. In......
Laid Under Contribution With Apparently Equal Enthusiasm....
a medley of extraordinary confusion. We are glad to welcome another charming book of coloured illustrations by Mr. Graham Robertson. This artist gives us beauty of form and......
The Tate Gallery. By C. Gasquoine Hartley. (seeley And Co.
12s. 6d.)—This is a general summary of modern English art written in a popular manner, and as such may prove a useful book, for there is discrimination in the criticism. The......
Himself Writes The Explanatory Text Accompanying The...
seems well satisfied with the works of the painter, and everything is taken very seriously. If not in the best of taste, this appreciation is at any rate authoritative as......
Outlines Of The History Of Art. By Dr. W. Liibke.
Edited, Minutely Revised, and Largely Rewritten by Russell Sturgis. 2 vols. (Smith, Elder, and Co. 36s. net.)—When we consider that this work deals with sculpture, architecture,......
The National Gallery. By Gustave Geffroy. With An Intro-...
by Sir Walter Armstrong. (F. Warne and Co. 25s. net.) —In the introduction we find a good deal of interesting informa- tion concerning the creation of the National Gallery. At......
The Treatment Of Drapery In Art. By G. W. Rhead.
(G. Bell and Sons. 6s.)—There is a great deal of really interesting and valuable matter in this treatise on drapery, both from the theoretical and practical sides of the......
Figura Drawing. By R. G. Hatton. (chapman And Hall. 7s.
6d.)—Every part of the figure is analysed and described in this book, not purely from the anatomical standpoint, but rather from that of the effect produced on the eye by the......
The Poems Of Dante Gabriel Rossetti. (ellis And Elvey. 16s.
net.)—Rossetti's own pictures have fitly been used in this edition, which is printed on good paper from thick black type. Mr. W. M. Rossetti has written a short notice of his......
The Liverpool School Of Painters. By H. C. Marillier. (john
Murray. 10s. 6d. net.)—The interest of the larger part of this book is more local than general, for not many of the Liverpool artists have risen to high eminence. Foremost among......