Famous Artists. By Sarah K. Bolton. (G. Harrap. 7s. 6d.
net.)—Where the author quotes acknowledged authorities this book may be depended on. When, however, she makes state- ments on her own responsibility we must employ caution. In the Life of Leonardo pictures are discussed without a hint that questions of authenticity have arisen. The following quotation gives a sample of the obsolete and inaccurate information offered to the reader. After a description of the " Vierge aux Rochers," we are told that "there are three pictures of this scene ; the one in the collection of the Duke (!) of Suffolk is believed to be the original, while that in the Louvre is best known." What are we to think of a writer on Leonardo who does not know that the picture she writes about passed from the Earl of Suffolk's collection to the National Gallery twenty-four years ago? At the same time, on the preceding page of the book to the one from which we have quoted the picture in question is repro- duced, and described as being in the National Gallery.
We have received from Mr. W. J. Brooks, 33 Fitzroy Square, W., a Flexible Curve for draughtsmen. It consists of a strip of celluloid, to which are attached projecting pieces. The strip can be bent into any desired curve, and held in place by the project- ing pieces either with the fingers or by means of pins. The contrivance is simple and effective.