The French President Has Called Upon M. Rouvier, "the Best
financier among French politicians," to form a new Cabinet, and M. Rouvier has succeeded. He retains: M. Delcasse as Foreign Minister, to the satisfaction of Europe, and M.......
The Returns For The General Election In Hungary Are...
at the moment of our going to press. The Liberals. have lost heavily in the provinces to the Kossuthites, or Independents, and the results at midnight on Thursday , covering......
The Only War News Of Importance This Week Is A
report from General Kuroki's headquarters that a large Russian force has crossed the River Hun, and is trying to turn the Japanese left flank. This may be the beginning of......
According To A Telegram From Peshawca. Dated Decem- Ber...
the Mission to Kabul has been instructed to ask for permission to construct railways and telegraphs, and upon this the Amir has consulted his people, who, as we expected last......
The Report That A Secret Provisional Government Has Been...
sounds a little absurd ; but the first action attributed to it is very clever. According to the state- ment which appeared textually in the Daily Telegraph, this Committee......
Last Week, That They Agreed In Principle, And That Mr.
Balfour advocated his objects as strongly as any Tariff Reformer could desire. As for the policy of the Government, he charged them with never having thought out their problems,......
Only In Repression. General Trepoff, An "iron-fisted"...
for unscrupulous severity, has been appointed Governor-General of St. Petersburg—a new office —with practically absolute powers. He supersedes the Minister of the Interior as......
The Massaore Of Sunday Has Been Received With Horror...
the civilised world, and with quiet exultation in Japan, where it is felt that a Government thus weakened at the centre cannot wage war successfully. The horror is increased by......