Lessons. By Evelyn Sharp. (r. Brimloy Johnson. 2s. 6d. Net.)
—These little sketches of a governess's experiences with various sets of pupils are entertaining, if only in showing how effectually sharp children can get through the most......
China's Business Methods And Policy. By T. R. Jerningham....
Fisher Unwin. 12s.)—There is a want of cohesion about this work ; it seems more a collection of papers than a treatise. The work will be found useful when any important event......
Studies In Prose And Verse. By Arthur Symons. (j. M.
Dent and Co. 7s. 6d. net.) — Our standpoint, especially on the ethical aspects of literature, is other than that taken by Mr. Symons. We cannot help thinking that he shows from......
The Life Of Florence Nightingale. By Sarah A. Tooley. (s.
H. Bousfield and Co. 5s. not.)—It was quite worth while to tell again the story of the time, somewhat less than two years, between October 15th, 1854, when Sidney Herbert asked......
The Book - Collector. By W. Carew Hazlitt. (john Grant.)...
of Book-Collecting" is, we see, the label on the binding, and is, perhaps, more descriptive of the contents of the volume. The subjeet abounds with stories, for, indeed, in a......
C Assell's Cabinet Cyclopaedia. (cassell And Co. 12s. 6d....
work is " based on 'Casaell's Concise Cyclopaedia,' " it contains a fifth more matter, and this matter is, for the most part, brought up to date. We say "for the most part"......
My Literary Life. By Madame Edmond Adam. (t. Fisher Unwin.
8s. 6d.)—This is a very readable book dealing with one of the most interesting periods in the life of one of the sprightliest of French women, that in which she sought relief in......